Following Christ's plan to extend His Kingdom through local churches, we bring support, mentoring, and financial assistance to churches and church planters in Ecuador.
Following Christ's plan to extend His Kingdom through local churches, we bring support, mentoring, and financial assistance to churches and church planters in Ecuador.
The strength of local churches and church plants in Ecuador is dependent upon the foundations of those who plant, pastor and lead them. We exist to train these leaders biblically, theologically and in practical ministry.
We believe that strong partnerships between churches in two different countries are a way to work globally toward the same goal: strengthening the local church and reaching out to our communities. We provide ways to connect your church with a church plant in Ecuador.
We help catalyze relationships between churches in the United States and Ecuador through shared projects, outreach, and funding requests. Our goal is to establish long-lasting relationships between churches sharing in the work of the gospel.
We'd love to send you more information about opportunities for partnership through Compassion Connection.
We provide needed biblical training at little to no expense to those being trained. Our three-year training programs feature seminars that also serve as an avenue for churches and pastors to partner together.
We're proud to offer pastors training and means at almost no cost to those being trained. The food we provide is grown on the property itself, and the training comes directly from pastors and teachers willing to serve.
It is our privilege to work with an incredible team of people. The term "synergy" comes from the same word translated "fellow-worker" in scripture and describes the multiplying effect that takes place when people combine their gifts and talents together for the Kingdom of God.
We are honored and privileged to work with a network of pastors in Ecuador that are our feet on the ground and doing so much of the work to keep our goals and mission going. These men and women are planting churches, mentoring and discipling, and also giving their time to make certain that the training they received from Compassion Connection continues to others.
Ambito & Mulalillo, Ecuador
Ambato, Ecuador
Loja, Ecuador
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Piñas, Ecuador
Catamayo, Ecuador
We would love to connect you or your church to those in need. Please consider partnering with us in one of the following ways.
Pray with us for new works, exciting initiatives, and bold evangelism. We will keep you updated with needs, updates, and stories of all that God is doing in and through our partner churches.
Find out how you can connect with a new work in Ecuador, and work together for the advancement of the gospel.
Compassion Connection is funded by kingdom-minded individuals and churches that give sacrificially of their finances in order to advance Kingdom work in South America.
We would not be able to give biblical training, mentor, or partner with our brothers and sisters in Ecuador without the generosity of our donors. Your donation of any amount is greatly appreciated and literally furthers the kingdom of God by providing His word and His care to His people in Ecuador. You can easily give and designate your giving for a specific area of ministry Here: